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« 2003 Bakweri Land Claims Committee Vs. Cameroon: BLCC Response to Preliminary Objections of Cameroon | Main | 2003 BLCC vs. Cameroon - BLCC Response to Cameroon's Reply on the Exhaustion of Local Remedies »


Mr. Samuel Teke Mbua

I wish to thank the individuals that has faught this battle.we stand behind the elders who put an effort to fight this our fathers land.this is just the begining.tell those thieves not to sell our land.this land must be given back to the owner

Francis Mondembe Menyoli

I am delighted with the efforts of the BLCC to reclaim nativ lands from the state. please keep this spirit up, as we are strongly behind praying for the success of this cause.

Ekema Roland

Let me first of all thank all the bakwerians of good faith who are behind this struggle, and also to tell them that we the youth are strongly behind them. We must take what belongs to us no matter the hides, for it our right to have our God give posession.HOLLAND


it really a shame that our chief of the bakwerie land are still falling for biya thief, i am a wife marry to one of the chives, the sold of our land by the gouverment is really a shame to us expecailly to you the chiefs. Get up and face the truth about southern cameroonian ,biya is using us to fix the francage cameroonian


Surely there is no beating arround the bush for it is very clear that the said land belongs to the Bakweri tribe.So it shall be given back to them OR be heavily compensated for it with or without lifting a finger.We are strongly behind our elders fighting for our interest.

Sarah Belalia

Good evening,

I am struggling to get a phone number, address or email address in order to contact you, with no success so far...

We are a network of environmental NGOs in Buea, and we will be organizing a public event in April, called "Green Week", during which we will hold a large program of film projection, debates, case studies presentation, permanent exhibition, workshops, etc. which will tackle both environmental and political thematic such as land access.

We would be very pleased to have a meeting with a representant of the Bakweri Land Claim Committee, and invite you to present your fight during the Green Week.

Hoping to hear form you soon, we stay available for any question about our activities.

Best Regards,

and The Green Cameroon team


Jonathan Tingume

We are all just vebally talking on here,how many people supported the land claims committe?Our people in govt were in resistance to fight Mola Njoh and the rest who were leading the struggle calling them opposition.The Gods of fako stood by the team and the legal expert leading the couse to victory,we need to appreciate the work of the team lead by late Chief Efange, Mola Njoh Litumbe and Prof Ndiva kofelle Kale,Chief Ekum,Late Mbua Mofoke etc.

Derrick E. M. Mokake

It was a trepidation, All the same we gratify the ESCO but not the custodians because the "ability to do" users confer decidedly to this dismay.

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