“A [South African] Company that should have been sensitive to minority rights and land issues has chosen to be complicit in the dispossession of the Bakweri people of their ancestral lands”
Sir, BLCC believes that your company may have, perhaps with all the best intentions, agreed to this deal without the benefit of a full and complete disclosure on the status of the lands which these tea estates occupy. Our interest is, of course, in the Tole/Bwiyuku estate which is in Bakweri territory.
The belief that disclosure may not have been as complete as this situation called for is supported by declarations made by Mr. Michel Meva‘a MEBOUTOU, the Minister of Finance and Budget, immediately following the formal signing of the Brobon-Finex/Cameroon bilateral convention, in an interview he granted to the Government-owned Cameroon Tribune, there, the Minister boldly but wrongly stated that the land occupied by the tea estates is State property.
economic imperialism is inevitable however generaliztions lodged against ANY not only South ASfrican companie sis isaccurate and unfair
Other articles on this matter indicate South African COURTS,which have firm knowledge of mercantile and Traditional African cultural law,..... well MAY BE THE ONLY ONEs WHO CAN INDEED SOLVE THIS MATTER
Posted by: Mr John | October 06, 2007 at 06:20 AM